Available domain name extensions

nl .com .net .nu .info .be .de .co.uk .eu .org .it .biz .es .fr .us .af .ag .am .at .cc .ch .co .co.nz . cx .cz .fm .gd .gl .gs .in .io .jp .la .lu .me .mobi .mx .name .so .tv .me.uk .org.uk .net.nz .je .ae . cn .com.es .com.mx .ac .bz .co.il .hn .ht .lc .mn .ms .mu .nf .pe .ph .pk .pl .sc .sg .sh .si .sk . tk .tl .tw .vc .ws .org.il .org.nz .xxx .ec .gg .gr .asia .li .pro .gy .kr .mg .re .wf .tf .pm .yt .se . ml .ventures .bike .clothing .guru .singles .holdings .plumbing .photography .camera .equipment .estate .gallery .graphics .lighting .construction .diamonds .directory .enterprises .land .technology .tips .today .voyage .contractors . kitchen .careers .photos .recipes .shoes .tattoo .sexy .limo .domains .cab .company .academy .center .computer .management .systems .builders .email .solutions .support .training .camp .education .glass .institute . repair .uno .menu .coffee .house .solar .international .florist .guitars .marketing .gift .pics .holiday .viajes .farm .codes .photo .agency .bargains .boutique .cheap .zone .onl .kim .red . pink .blue .shiksha .qpon .watch .cool .club .expert .works .democrat .exposed .foundation .ninja .wiki .rentals .flights .cruises .vacations .link .buzz .build .dance .xyz .jetzt .futbol . reviews .social .condos .maison .properties .villas .tienda .bid .trade .webcam .dating .partners .events .productions .cards .catering .cleaning .community .industries .parts .supplies .supply .tools .country .cooking . fishing .rodeo .vodka .christmas .fish .report .vision .immobilien .pub .services .ink .bar .rest .moda .capital .engineering .exchange .gripe .blackfriday .tokyo .voting .kaufen .associates .pictures .lease . media .reisen .town .university .toys .wtf .financial .limited .fail .rocks .actor .moe .care .clinic .dental .surgery .cash .fund .investments .tax .furniture .career .discount .fitness .schule . free .audio .juegos .hiphop .claims .credit .creditcard .cologne .koeln .global .yokohama .digital .accountants .finance .insure .loans .press .republican .website .host .life .guide .church .direct .place . co.at .co.in .org.lc .net.nf .com.pl .net.pl .com.tw .com.vc and more…

Conditions for applying for a .NL domain

.NL is the extension of the Netherlands and can be registered by anyone. There are currently more than 5 million .NL domain names registered. With the domain checker on the website you can easily check whether the domain is available.

For .NL domains, a minimum number of characters is 2 and a maximum of 63. There is a minimum number of characters of 2. The maximum number of characters is 63. Only numeric domains are allowed. A domain name may not end with a dash.

The issuing authority of .NL states that the registered domain names may not conflict with public order and/or good morals.

If you move a .NL domain to Oxxa, it will be registered for 1 year from the moment of move.

A move can be carried out in real time.
After cancellation, the domain will be quarantined for 40 days on the day of expiration. The domain can only be removed from quarantine by the owner.