Underline all links in posts and pages

To ensure all links in posts and pages are underlined, add this: /* underline all links in posts and pages*/ #main a:link, a:visited{ text-decoration: underline; } To ensure that buttons are not underlined, add this: .fusion-button { text-decoration:none!important; } You do this by adding these lines in [...]

2019-09-24T15:18:18+01:00May 28, 2018|

What can I do myself regarding work?

Everything you want to do yourself, you do yourself. We take care of everything you don't want to do. By everything we mean texts, photos, email, products, social media and search engine optimization. The entire technical management, including hosting, domain names, security and updates, remains fully managed by Milcraft, unless otherwise agreed. This [...]

2019-09-24T15:11:44+01:00December 29 2016|

What is a catch-all email account?

For the email in our hosting packages, you can set one email address per package as a catch-all email address. This email address will then receive all emails sent to email addresses that have not been created. For example: info@uwmilcraftdomeinnaam.nl is actively used. If someone accidentally makes a typo and sends an email to nfo@uwmilcraftdomeinnaam.nl, this email will arrive [...]

2019-09-24T15:24:04+01:00December 1 2016|

What is a backdoor?

A backdoor is a piece of code to gain access to a computer, website or network outside security systems. Such a backdoor is often placed by malware or by a hacker. There are also backdoors that are added by the developers themselves.

2018-11-28T10:39:08+01:00October 16, 2016|

What is malware?

Malware is software used to obtain sensitive information, undermine systems or gain access to secure systems. The word malware is a combination of the words malicious and software.

2019-09-24T15:24:29+01:00October 15, 2016|

Milcraft mail settings

Milcraft supports both POP3 and IMAP for email. What is the best option for you depends on a number of things: the size of your mailbox the number of devices on which you want to receive mail the type of devices on which you want to receive mail the number of folders in your mailbox In addition to Roundcube webmail, you can also email [...]

2020-04-14T20:34:12+01:00January 24 2016|
