
What is Avada?

Avada is the best-selling paid WordPress template in the world. It not only offers the user enormous flexibility with regard to implementing the corporate identity, but is also well supported by the makers and compatible with various well-known plugins such as WooCommerce, WPML and Yoast. In principle, we build every website using Avada. Avada also offers [...]

2019-09-24T16:33:08+01:0024 September 2019|

Underline all links in posts and pages

To ensure all links in posts and pages are underlined, add this: /* underline all links in posts and pages*/ #main a:link, a:visited{ text-decoration: underline; } To ensure that buttons are not underlined, add this: .fusion-button { text-decoration:none!important; } You do this by adding these lines in [...]

2019-09-24T15:18:18+01:00May 28, 2018|
