10 years ago you could easily set up a CMS website based on WordPress or Joomla and not update it. That was not the right way to go at the time, but there was a chance that your website (if it was not ranked too high in Google) would not be hacked. Or not often.
Nowadays, if server software, WordPress, plugins and templates are not updated, the question is not whether a website will be hacked, but when. Active website management is a must nowadays.


Hackers today use crawlers that scan websites for known security holes. Sometimes code is tested at a rate of 10 per minute in the hope that the website in question has missed an important security update. These crawlers are the result of a botnet of hacked computers and routers. For example, a website is under attack from different IPs. Without active management and security, these attempts can be made indefinitely.
Wordfence, the number 1 WordPress security plugin, registers an average of about 28 thousand attacks per minute with more than 94 million installations. When it comes to website security, you often only notice how bad the attacks were after a security plugin has been installed.

Cheap website and hosting providers

When creating a website, savings are often made on management and hosting costs. This is a good saving on paper, but in practice it often results in extra high costs later on.
A hosting package of, for example, 1 euro per month sounds nice, but often such an amount can only be offered through savings. This includes having customer service that only answers by email, too many websites on 1 server, insufficient monitoring and security, etc. High rates are also often charged for problems to have something resolved.

HThe result is often that your website is on a server with too many websites and with no or poor management. Even if your website on such a server were properly maintained in terms of updates, the other websites on this server still pose a danger. If these websites on your shared server are often hacked, this will ultimately have adverse consequences for the reputation of the server/IP in question. In the worst case, the server's IP will appear on various blacklists and Google will no longer offer websites with the same IP in the search results.


If the website is hacked, it is always nice to have a clean backup. This will solve a hacked website in no time.
Here too, hosting companies with low monthly amounts do not arrange this 99 times out of 100. You often only notice this when it is too late.
Milcraft makes a daily backup of the website and email as standard and offers a retention of 30 days.


We offer you from €20 per month excl. VAT a hosting package of 2 GB storage and 50 GB data traffic on SSD drives, incl. (web) email, daily backup with 30 day retention, WordPress updates, plugins and templates , security.
As an entrepreneur, you can't take a risk for this amount, can you?!
Would you like more information or a quote? Email us info@milcraft.nl or call us on 0172-897 789