gain visibility in Google

Even before registering with the Chamber of Commerce, there are matters that must be arranged as quickly as possible.
Of course there is the website and corporate identity, but just as important is the visibility outside the website, mainly Google.

Google indexes not only your website every day, but also websites outside of it. In short, Google needs to be convinced that your new website is relevant enough to be shown in the first search results when users search for relevant keywords.
Especially as a new company with a new website, this is not something that can be done within a few days.
To achieve this, the company name must also appear on other websites. So basic visibility.

How to gain visibility?
There are thousands of websites to register your website and business, but that is not necessary.
All in all, this is a time-consuming activity. Accounts often have to be created before company profiles are created.
It is therefore important to mainly visit the important websites.
Below are some examples:

Social Media
Another option to gain visibility is of course Social Media. Which channels are important for your company depends on the type of company, but we usually assume Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Google Business, with possibly Twitter or Pinterest.
This is also measured by Google. Enough posts, and lots of likes, followers and shares work to a company's advantage. Reason enough to invest time in this.
Almost all social media platforms also have paid advertisements. This can provide a flying start in the beginning.

Your network
Make use of your network and fellow entrepreneurs. Tell them you've started a new business. Maybe they want to use your services and leave a nice review. Or
dedicate a message about your new company on their own social media channels.

Links to your website can contribute to better visibility. Links are measured by Google and thus improve the position in Google, but they can of course also provide direct visitors.
Google tip: Please note that links without a backlink count more and that the website is preferably about the industry in which you work.
Links on spammy websites can have a negative impact.

Create your own press release and distribute it via e.g Buzzpress of This can also be done for free via, for example
Another option is to approach websites and newspapers yourself. These can be general websites and newspapers, but also media specific to your industry.

Tips & Tricks

  • When creating company profiles on websites, make sure that they are not selling you a paid service when creating a company profile
  • Please note that you will be called for a new website or corporate identity after creating a company profile on websites such as DTG or When creating profiles, you often automatically indicate that this is allowed.
  • Before creating the company profiles, create a document containing all company information. It saves a lot of typing if most of this can be copied.
  • Is it important that your website is visible in Google as quickly as possible? Then consider an AdWords account for paid visibility. Milcraft can assist you with this.
  • Always try to keep social media channels separate from private accounts. If necessary, create a separate Gmail address to set this up.
    For some accounts this breakdown is not possible because the company account must be created with the personal account. This is the case with LinkedIn and Facebook, among others.
  • When setting up profiles, use the recommended dimensions of, for example, a logo. This ensures the best result.

No time, knowledge or desire to arrange your basic visibility yourself? We are happy to take it off your hands.
For more information: or 0172-897789