Published On: 25 January 2016

Today, MOOI by Diana officially launches. Mooi door Diana is a hair, pedicure and make-up company for Alphen aan den Rijn and the surrounding area.
Diana van Miltenburg (wife of Tom from Milcraft) starts this total concept for your home or location.

Bridal care

A day where all these services come together is, of course, a wedding. Think bridal hairstyles and make-up for the day, but also grooming for the groom.
It is also possible to book a touch-up and/or refreshment of your bridal make-up for the evening before the wedding day. Even a pop-up make-up studio with touch-up or full make-up for the guests is no problem!


At Mooi door Diana, you can find products from FarmaVita, Südacare, Make Up Studio, among others.


Would you like to learn all these actions yourself? Learn to braid or colour? Or learn to apply make-up yourself?
This is possible at MOOI by Diana. Diana regularly gives make-up and/or hairstyling workshops at home or on location, both in groups and individually.

Of course, with a new company comes a new website. The website is here find.