Published On: 20 June 2023

BindkrachtVHL's new website has been live for a few weeks now. From January, SamenDoen and Welzijn Vianen have continued together under the name BindkrachtVHL. BindkrachtVHL's mission is to ensure that all inhabitants of Vijfheerenlanden can participate. With one face to the outside world, we are easy to find and can more easily communicate Vijfheerenlanden-wide.

For this amalgamation, the websites of SamenDoen, Welzijn Vianen and Mantelzorgpunt (formerly Mantelzorg VHL) had to be converted to a new domain name and the websites also had to be converted.
A website was created for the websites of SamenDoen and Welzijn Vianen at The agendas of both websites have been merged at The Mantelzorg VHL website launched last year has moved to

The following individuals and companies were involved in this project:

  • Simone Visser from Office Simoon for corporate identity and website design.
  • Marc de Bruijn from Dot pixel for the calendar website, building/customising plugins and building a widget.
  • Hugo de Pagter from Pony Design Club for the design of the diary website.
  • Tom van Miltenburg of Milcraft for building the websites of and and hosting.

Check out the website here: